Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Allen West Blames The Military's Sexual Assault Crisis On Women Serving In Combat Roles


Article PhotoOn Michael Savage’s radio show Savage Nation on Thursday, Fox News host andformer Florida congressman Allen Westblamed women being allowed in combat roles in the military for the ongoing controversy over sexual assault in the force, and alleged that “an assault against the United States military” is underway.
how does this fool explain those rapes years before combat roles went into affect?  and this assualt on the military who is it the 88 communist in progressive congress?
this guy has no consideration for his family and how they will be treated as he goes in the history books as a Black right wing lunatic period.
Savage and West criticized Senators’ efforts to question whether the chain of command could adequately handle sexual assault cases, and Savage mocked Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) as sounding “like a college chick at a dorm” for asking those questions. West cited the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and the end of “some very strict regulations as far as interaction between males and females” as part of the “assault” on the military. In January, West calledthe Pentagon’s decision to lift the ban on women in combat as a “foray into an inequality trip” and a “social experiment.”
West and Savage continued to doubt the epidemic of sexual assault in the military:
SAVAGE: … Am I mistaken in assuming the following: When you say sexual assault, according to the new liberal interpretation of such a phrase, does that not include, “Hey honey, let’s go for a beer?” Could she turn him in and say that was a sexual assault because it was an unwanted advance?
WEST: Well she could. I mean that’s the –
SAVAGE: Alright, so amongst the 23,000 — amongst the 23,000 so-called cases that the Commander-in-Chief Obama talked about last, two weeks ago, at a commencement address, how many of them are fraudulent claims? We don’t know, do we?
WEST: No we don’t. And furthermore, Dr. Savage, we don’t know how many of them are female against male, you know, sexual assaults, or same-sex sexual assaults. So we don’t have those numbers either.
who wrote this script Rush Limbaugh?  right wing attitude if nothe wouldn't be going down that path of right wing FOX news war on women.