Tea party groups over the past few weeks have suddenly and successfully pressured Republican governors to reassess their support for a rare bipartisan initiative backed by President Obama to overhaul the nation’s public schools.
Activists have donned matching T-shirts and packed buses bound for state legislative hearing rooms in Harrisburg, Pa., grilled Georgia education officials at a local Republican Party breakfast and deluged Michigan lawmakers with phone calls urging opposition to the Common Core State Standards.The burst of activity marks the newest front for the tea party movement, which has lacked a cohesive goal since it coalesced in 2010 in opposition to Obama’s health-care initiative.The movement has a renewed sense of purpose and energy following revelations that many of its groups were improperly targeted by the Internal Revenue Service, and members consider dismantling what some deride as “Obamacore” their newest cause. Unlike the health-care fight, though, organizers say the Common Core battle is winnable and could be a potential watershed moment.
doesn't this sound like the only reason for T-P existence is not because the Dems won the election because there has never been this level of opposition and obstruction, but because the Pres. is African American and favored by more than half of the electorate and working for those same obstructionist.
by default their obstruction of his agenda which btw if you look at them they all are beneficial to "we the people" is really blocking Americans from prospering while waving flags and throwing around words like prosperity.
two biggies that really should have you up in arms not guns just a metaphor, they fight and demonize healthcare,
with no plan of their own if they did manage to kill it we would go right back to the status quo, which is why they have no new plan, they want ins. companies, big pharma to continue to bilk the people and deny upwards of 30 million more from heathcare.
then there is their old standby, education short and sweet they want it and healthcare privatized, where the big corporations run your well being, right into your grave. recognize
“This is the issue that could change things for the tea party movement,” said Lee Ann Burkholder, founder of the 9/12 Patriots in York, Pa., which drew 400 people — more than twice the usual turnout — to a recent meeting to discuss agitating against Common Core.Lawmakers have responded by introducing legislation that would at least temporarily block the standards in at least nine states, including two that have put the program on hold. The Republican governors of Indiana and Pennsylvania quickly agreed to pause Common Core, and Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (R), a vocal supporter of the plan, is nevertheless expected to accept a budget agreement struck by GOP legislators that would withhold funding for the program pending further debate.
read those last two paragraphs again notice there is almost glee in the idea of denial, notice they did not mention Pres. making the railing against those it would actually help they the Tea Party are not just against Pres. they are against Americans. writing is on the wall ,on your TV in the papers, online plain to see who's for you and who wants to do you.