Monday, May 27, 2013

E.J. Dionne: The Obama riddle

You wonder if President Obama sometimes finds himself singing a variant on Kermit the Frog’s anthem about the burdens of being green: It’s not easy being Barack Obama.
This is not simply or even primarily a matter of color, although the president’s racial background has been a source of both opportunity and trial. As the first African American in the White House, he has won an unprecedented level of support among black Americans and the goodwill of enough white Americans to build a national majority.
Yet it’s undeniable that racism lurks beneath so many of the preposterously false charges against him — that this son of Hawaii wasn’t really born in the United States, that he is a secret Muslim who “hates America,” that he’s animated by a “Kenyan, anti-colonial” worldview. Among African Americans, his persistent emphasis on responsible fatherhood, a key theme of his recentcommencement address at Morehouse College, is sometimes cast as a way of pandering to white prejudice by hectoring a community to which he owes a large and still-unpaid political debt. 
That’s just the start of it. Even more peculiar is an ongoing confusion over how he thinks and what he stands for.
and there it is, too many have tried to put him in their preconceived box to make him whatever they want to play with on any given day. 
we've heard all the disrespectful language used as a battle ax to influence those of narrow abilities of concentrated thought, and i think in the beginning trying to goad him into that misinterpreted "angry Black man" mode.
the longer the list the more failures they have racked up, 37 attempts to kill ObamaCares c'mon there is a large amount of imbecilic behavior over there. 
 unfortunately some buy it GW Bush was right, "you can fool some of the people all of the time and those are the ones you want to concentrate on".
Some of this is Obama’s own doing. He has been a master, as good politicians are, at presenting different sides of himself to different constituencies. In 2008, he was the man who would bring us together by overcoming the deep mistrust between red and blue America andthe champion of progressive change, the liberal answer to Ronald Reagan.
the right has done a good job in framing him to be the anti president up until last election, they couldn't believe 4 years of mud rucking, misleading, out right lying and rigging the vote didn't work, i believe that to be more true then just they got out voted.and couldn't handle the truth.
Rove 300 million who knows how much from the other undiclosed sources that's what really set the thermostat to broil.