Monday, April 1, 2013

Never Mind New Guns Laws—The NRA Keeps Weakening the Existing Ones
Article PhotoThe leaders of the National Rifle Association keep saying we don’t need any new gun laws and should just to enforce the ones we already have. But here’s the rub: nobody has done more to undermine the enforcement of the laws we already have than the NRA leadership.
In the current gun debate in Washington, the big-ticket item for advocates of stronger gun laws is universal background checks—this is, requiring a background check on every gun sale, including those guns sold by unlicensed, so-called private sellers at gun shows, online, and elsewhere.
LaPierre said "criminals won't cooperate with background checks", well it looks like they won't have to,
 by his efforts to kill background checks he's giving a green light to those criminals and hose who aspire to be, those they are intentionally arming for whatever, it allows those in the ranks to be relegated to concealed owners, they don't seem to realize those that are for this path around the law that even if they might be honorable they won't know if the guy in the duck blind beside them is a serial duck hunter killer or not. 
you put more at risk in  the name of freedom of privacy and just a any who are not qualified, is your gun worth that much uncertainty?
The NRA lobbyists are working overtime to block this bill despite poll after poll showing that 9 in 10 Americans—and even 85 percent of NRA members—support the idea.
Seeing that they may not be able to block the bill entirely, NRA lobbyists are pushing a backup plan: make background checks unenforceable.
A key element of gun background checks is gun dealer record keeping. You see, gun stores have been required for 20 years now to keep a record of the background checks they run, which means that if a gun is used in a crime, law enforcement can trace it back to its original purchaser.
if you can't beat the law break it, they rewrote torture why not this.  they can cry invasion of privacy and laws enforced at the retail level with strict repercussions.
The universal background checks bill in the Senate would simply require private sellers and buyers to meet in a gun store—which is hardly onerous given that 98 percent of Americans live within 10 miles of one. The dealers would then run the check and keep a record of it, just as stores already do for their own sales.
The NRA is suggesting that having dealers keep records amounts to some sort of secret gun registry that will lead to the government confiscating guns from law-abiding owners. That’s simply not true. There is no federal-government gun-ownership registry now, and there would not be under the Senate bill.
and not keeping them tanamounts to the same thing secret gun registry that only those in the loop know about, which suggest more intent to do wrong then intent to list you and your weapon.  too much leads to trace and discovery of guilt or collusion that is what they are afraid of, civil disorder???