Friday, April 19, 2013

Homosexuality Finally Not A Crime In Montana, Thanks To New Bill

Article PhotoIn a long awaited and hard fought win fo
r sexual privacy, logic and human rights Montana Democrat Tom Facey sponsored a bill that was signed into Law yesterday by Governor Steve Bullock. The measure received bi-partisan support,  passing its final hurdle with a 65-34 vote.
MT HR107 changes just a few words and it makes all the difference,  removing an offensive lumping together of consenting adult sexual behavior with all forms of child  and animal abuse. The wording change is a follows;
The text reads; ”(27) (a) “Sexual abuse” means the commission of sexual assault, sexual intercourse without consent, indecent exposure, deviate sexual conduct, sexual abuse, ritual abuse of a minor, or incest, as described in Title 45, chapter 5.”
Removed is the previous definition (21) “Deviate sexual relations” meanings sexual contact or sexual intercourse between two persons of the same-sex or any form of sexual intercourse with an animal.”
I was not surprised to find that as of 1960, every state had “anti sodomy” laws that applied to GLBT and even heterosexual married couples in the most extreme examples. In 1986 the Supreme Court addressed the issue in Bowers v. Hardwick; a 5-4 ruling upholding the constitutionality of a Georgia sodomy law criminalizing oral and anal sex in private between consenting adults when applied to homosexuals.
and they kept feeding us the "we don't want gov't in your bedroom", while all the long they want gov't your employer and anybody else that wants a peek in your bed under your covers between the sheets.
now look at it this way they are now including men in their war on women, why so they can claim it's not just women it's anyone capable of enjoying sex?
warning you are not going to belive this 
The fight is far from over. Even as recently as May 2011, the poorly executed Don’t Say Gay law  would have prohibited honest, healthy and age-appropriate conversations about sexuality in Tennessee’s classrooms. After passing in the Senate but dying in the house, this bill has been reintroduced as the Classroom Protection Act with new and not so improved wording that includes the mandate for teachers to “out” any students they suspect might be gay to their parents.
In Virginia, a law still stands that calls all forms of oral/anal intercourse a “crime against nature“.
talk about gov't on your back there is and never has been such egregious laws passed by progressives that burrow that deep in to a citizen of America's life.