Monday, April 15, 2013

Gun Advocates Embrace Gun Reform Compromise As A 'Godsend'

does God know that?
Article PhotoIn a surprise move, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms announced their support for the Senate’s bipartisan bill to expand background checks on gun sales online and at gun shows. CCRKBA calls itself the second largest gun group after the NRA, which is actively campaigning against the legislation.
Despite the NRA’s fearmongering, CCRKBA head Alan Gottlieb emailed supporters pointing out that the gun package actually promotes their interests, opening up interstate gun sales, requiring prison time for anyone who compiles a gun registry, and protecting gun dealers from liability. Before sending the email, Gottlieb expounded on his support for the bill in a speechcaptured by Daylight Disinfectant: 
So a lot of my people are going to oppose it because they don’t want any background check at all. Let’s be honest with you, philosophically, in a perfect world – I don’t want any background checks either. But I also don’t want criminals buying guns and killing people with them. And I can’t justify morally that a person walks into a gun show, buys a gun from somebody without giving his name, the guy can hardly speak English, and he walks out the door with that firearm with no check, nothing at all. 
I want to be honest with you – we can’t tolerate that. We’re going to lose all of our rights if we allow that to continue to go on. It’s not a sustainable position for us to take. 
there it is whats been missing from the gun talks on the gun enthusiast side, "COMMON SENSE".  will it bring shame to those who oppose or will they continue telling us what Americans want totally ignoring the majority that does want
CCRKBA is hardly a progressive group. When President Obama rolled out his proposal for gun violence prevention after the Newtown shooting, CCRKBA swore to “be on the front lines of that resistance” and pushed the idea that the government was simply trying to grab guns. They’ve also traveled to Florida to defend Stand Your Ground laws after the murder of Trayvon Martin.
The group has not had a sudden change of heart. Rather, according to Gottlieb, the group was involved in drafting the Manchin-Toomey compromise bill and “hung a million ornaments on it.” Gottlieb boasted, “We snookered the other side. They haven’t figured it out yet.”
The stiff penalties for anyone who creates a national gun registry were added largely to assuage the gun lobby’s fears that expanding background checks to private sales would lead to a gun registry that would let the government confiscate guns and establish a dictatorship. Even though the CCRKBA is embracing this as a win, only 4 Republicans have agreed to support the measure, and it has yet to reach the critical 60-vote threshold. Other pro-gun advocates are still pushing for an amendment that would further weaken the bill, override tough state laws, and force all states to recognize concealed-carry permits.
and then the real reasons come clear they are criminalizing the real bill they wanted is covered by the schmooze or elephant dung, the people have to be seeing this they act like ok then they hell no you won't.  think the Pres. should pass on this one and until they get serious and deal with the problems guns bring to "we the people" instead of tryng to put in ringers that will vilify and criminalize those who try to implement it. bit and switch, or just lain old right wing BS designed to make a good bill anemic.