Friday, April 19, 2013

Arkansas Lawmaker Mocks Boston 'Liberals,' Says They Wish They Had Assault Rifles Photo

good job republicans you are as insensitive as a flea biting a dog.  you will make this an easy decision 2014 for those on the fence and hopefully for you a curb without a view.  anyone want to pull the trigger?
On Friday morning, Arkansas State Rep. Nate Bell (R) tweeted that “liberal” Boston residents likely wished for assault rifles and high-capacity magazines, as the manhunt for Boston Marathon bombing suspects continued.
Bell, a second-term legislator and">National Rifle Association life member, has previously supported allowing guns in churches as “removing a state mandated restriction on religious freedom.”
well that tells the whole story on this wingnut, guns in churches, must be to keep his kind from blowing them up while congregation still inside.
 His tweet said:
I wonder how many Boston liberals spent the night cowering in their homes wishing they had an AR-15 with a hi-capacity magazine? 
let's see if any of his comrades denounce his crude, rude behavior in the wake of violence to Americans.