Sen. Rand Paul says there’s “a certain amount of hypocrisy” that the same Hollywood celebrities and prominent politicians — including President Barack Obama and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg — who are calling for gun control are also benefiting from armed protection themselves.
“I don’t begrudge any famous person like Mayor Bloomberg, or the president or the president’s family for having protection — I think they all should. There’s enough crazy people out there that would attack on the right or the left. But I think when you are being protected by people who have weapons by responsible people, I can’t see why you would be opposed to that for other people,” Paul, a Kentucky Republican, said Thursday on Fox News’s “Hannity” to guest-host Eric Bolling.
was this guy just equating armed protection for celebs or high scale politicians or dignitary's with mass murderers? notice also how the conveniently always sip in that "both sides do it thing", well check this out
racist, rednecks, supremist, skinheads, neo Nazi's don't tend to vote progressive, kinda dampens their ability to get those WMD's to commit those mass murders.
He continued: “Many rich Hollywood celebrities have armed guards with them at all times and many regular people who live in a poor neighborhood, who have a business in a poor neighborhood and a neighborhood that may have higher crime — those people have to suffer the vicissitudes of violent crime without protection sometimes because of gun control laws. So, yes, I think there is a certain amount of hypocrisy.”
yup, he's right and you just read it from him, they have lied so much and often you would think they would have cultivatd it by now, bt they are getting worse and more transparent.