Saturday, March 30, 2013

Actor Jim Carrey Humiliates Fox News, Calls Them A ‘Media Colostomy Bag
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After being attacked by Fox News’ Greg Gutfeld for a Funny or Die anti-NRA video in which Carrey mocked Charlton Heston, the Canadian actor released a statement in which he refers to Fox as a “media colostomy bag” full of “kinda-sorta-almost journalists” who have become a “giant culture fart” in society. Here’s the full press release via Hollywood Reporter:
“Since I released my “Cold Dead Hand” video on Funny or Die this week, I have watched Fux News rant, rave, bare its fangs and viciously slander me because of my stand against large magazines and assault rifles. I would take them to task legally if I felt they were worth my time or that anyone with a brain in their head could actually fall for such irresponsible buffoonery. That would gain them far too much attention which is all they really care about.
“I’ll just say this: in my opinion Fux (sic) News is a last resort for kinda-sorta-almost-journalists whose options have been severely limited by their extreme and intolerant views; a media colostomy bag that has begun to burst at the seams and should be emptied before it becomes a public health issue.
“I sincerely believe that in time, good people will lose patience with the petty and poisonous behavior of these bullies and Fux (sic) News will be remembered as nothing more than a giant culture fart that no amount of Garlique could cure.
“I wish them all the luck that accompanies such malevolence.”
do the Fox people really believe the garbage they spew or are they getting really big checks to lie, not like it wasn't their plan.
Isn’t that epic? In the war between Hollywood and Fox News, yet another battle has been won by the left coast. Fox News involved themselves in a fight it couldn’t possibly win. One should never criticize a comedian and hope to get away with it unscathed
arrogance blocked all reason they should no better than to engage a comedian who does this stuff in his sleep, i wonder do these guys ever feel like the fell in a hole with everybody looking down on them?