Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Civil Unions Bill Passed In Colorado

Article PhotoAlthough same sex marriage was outlawed in Colorado seven ye
ars ago, the bill passed in the Colorado state House last Tuesday would give civil union benefits to couples, gay or straight, that aren’t married and apply for the benefits. SB-011 is set to be signed by Governor John Hickenlooper, and expands the rights of legally recognized couples.
why does it take some so long to give the same rights they have to other American, what is there a shortage of rights and if they grant other Americans those already guarnteed rights they will run out of them? i would like to qote twp people first Rodney King of police brutality fame "can't we all jst get along", and Joan Walsh, editor at large foe, "what's wrong with White people".
if we can deal with those to questions to an equitable end America would gain some of the mantel it no longer deserves.
The bill allows couples to get benefits as legally-recognized civil unions regardless of gender. The license would be applied for through the county clerk and, as reported by an ABC affiliate,
The proposal gives unmarried couples, including gay couples, expanded legal protections in several areas including the transfer of property, legal claims, probate law, survivor benefits, unemployment, adoption, health insurance and much more.
Although this isn't quite the same as true equal rights, it does bear a marked improvement over the complete lack of benefits often found between long-term couples of the same sex. In states where same-sex marriage is completely banned, civil union benefits offer an alternative for legal benefits and protections that they are not otherwise eligible for.
kickin' and screamin' because of what, wanting to feel Superior and above those the current status quo allows them or are the inbred racism of forefathers the driving factor. nothing changes this is just "separate but equal" the oxymoron they wrapped that bone they threw although some evolve others just lay stagnant in their own hate juices, simmering to what end, state of hate foe ever more?