Saturday, January 26, 2013

Abortion Foes March in DC Boehner promises push to make abortion a 'relic of the past'
Anti-abortion protesters and supporters of legal abortion stand in front of the Supreme Court Friday.
we have all learned y now well most of us, that republican truth aside from being an oxymoron does not exist, their are re-writes, re-tells, their favorite original manufactured truth, their are individual truths throughout the party member to member, there is Fox and right wing truth so many on that side of the street, fortunately for us the street cleaner comes daily it's name, every other media in the world.

 – Thousands of anti-abortion demonstrators marched through Washington to the steps of the Supreme Court today to protest the landmark decision that legalized abortion. The annual event took on added significance for many in the crowd because it coincided with the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. The demonstrators, carrying signs with messages such as "Defend Life" and "Defund Planned Parenthood," shouted chants including "Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Roe v. Wade has got to go." They packed the National Mall and surrounding streets for the March of Life.
John Boehner addressed the crowd via video and promised to push for a permanent ban on the use of federal funds for abortions. But that's just part of the picture, he added:
  • "(I)t is becoming more and more important for us to share this truth with our young people, to encourage them to lock arms, speak out for life, and help make abortion a relic of the past. Let that be one of our most fundamental goals this year." LifeNews has his full remarks.
another re-elcted failure he and the guy with the funny name Preibus are play along to get along their re-elections were the first sign of no intention of changing anything other then the wording of the same lies and misleadings