Sunday, December 2, 2012

West: Lincoln only served one term, too
this is not an angry Black man it is a psychotic reprobate 

MARTIN: So what's next for you?
WEST: Look, you know, God closes a door so that he can open up greater doors. I will continue to, you know, stand up and fight for this country. That's my goal. I have two daughters, 19 and 16, and I want to make sure that they grow up in a great America that provides them all the opportunities that it provided to their mother and father.
MARTIN: Congressman Allen West is completing his term in Congress. He was kind enough to join us from a House recording studio on Capitol Hill here in Washington, D.C.
WEST: And always remember, Abraham Lincoln only served one term in Congress, too.
MARTIN: Duly noted. Congressman West, thank you so much for speaking with us.
i'm lightening up on my abhorrence of West and now view him as a joke in Black face. Lincoln. really first Harriet Tubman, now Lincoln i knew he was a wannabe but wannabe what a old Black women who helped slaves, or an old White guy who freed slaves??  no wonder he beats his wife he's so screwed up and enamored with himself he can't beat up on hisself so take it out on the closest one.  pitiful embarrassment
   WEST: Look, you know, God closes a door so that he can open up greater doors. I will continue to, you know, stand up and fight for this country
how dare he invoke God's involvement in his self declination, i beieve he meant to say "continue to fight against this country and is ethnic population". despicable him.