Saturday, December 1, 2012

Republican Senator Orrin Hatch: Obama Is A Con Artist
he who speaks none knows none, he who speaks some knows of some.
Projection: the act of accusing others of doing something you, yourself, have done or are doing. It can either be a psychological defense to protect yourself from the truth of what a lying prick you are OR it can be a cynical ploy used soother people won’t realize what a lying prick you are.
The GOP lives and breathes projection as a matter of survival.
Is the GOP racist? Nonono! That would be the Democratic Party before 1964!
Is the GOP misogynistic? Nonono! That would be Democrats who want to turn women into slutty abortion machines!
Is the GOP fiscally irresponsible? Nonono! That would be “tax and spend” liberals!
like i aid they do the dirt then try kicking it on Pres.'s shoes.

And then there’s this via ThinkProgress:
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) ripped into President Obama’s opening offer on a package to avert the so-called fiscal cliff, during the GOP’s weekly address on Saturday, characterizing the proposal as “radical” and a “classic bait-and-switch.” “Maybe I missed it but I don’t recall him asking for any of that during the presidential campaign,” Hatch said. “These ideas are so radical that they have already been rejected on a bipartisan basis by Congress.”
Hatch is complaining about Obama’s proposal for a tax increase of $1.6 trillion on the rich, saving (as opposed to “cutting”) $400 billion in Medicare and $50 billion in stimulus by way of infrastructure spending.
How, exactly, is this “a classic bait-and-switch?” Did Sen. Hatch not watch the same election as the rest of us? Raising taxes on the rich was the centerpiece of Obama’s stump speeches. Cleaning up waste and graft in Medicare has been an ongoing process bolstered by Obamacare that has saved billions (billions with a “B”) of tax payer dollars and (rightly so) often bragged about. Nation building at home was a catch phrase for over a year before the election for frakk’s sake!
radical is the stance these guys take i wish i could say it was just right wing oldtimers kickin' in but the youngster are just as rabid. for them to continue the batering to no end just looks like "we the peoplewho voted for him are stock raving idiots that were deceived by a bogus candidate.

i repeat they do the dirt then try and sweep it on our shoes

Projection: the act of accusing others of doing something you, yourself, have done or are doing