Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Senate GOP Blocks Disabled Rights Treaty - Bob Dole makes appeal; Kerry calls vote saddest day in years
have the republicans after declaring their return from the ashes as a bigger, better, newer, party of deceit and lies  in just a couple of weeks given up on their hopeless attempt to change their stripes? are they throwing their hands in the air like they just don't care reverted to type and onward with th obstructive denying?
 – Bob Dole watched from a wheelchair on the Senate floor yesterday as his Republican former colleagues rejected a United Nations disability rights treaty modeled on the Americans with Disabilities Act he championed in 1990, the Kansas City Star reports. 
GOP opponents of the treaty claimed it would surrender American sovereignty to the UN. It needed 67 votes to pass but received only 61. Just eight Republicans voted in favor, including John McCain who, like Dole, was left disabled by war injuries.
yep they are now going to go against character and ????
After the vote, John Kerry said it was one of the saddest days he'd seen in nearly 28 years in the Senate, the New York Times reports. "This treaty was supported by every veterans group in America and Bob Dole made an inspiring and courageous personal journey back to the Senate to fight for it," he said. "It had bipartisan support, and it had the facts on its side, and yet for one ugly vote, none of that seemed to matter."
feeling the love yet?