Sunday, December 9, 2012

Obama Makes Peace With Business

if the rich are on board with the Pres. what are the republicans holding hostages for did they not get the email?
WASHINGTON —American big business leaders, from Wall Street to boardrooms around the country, backed Mitt Romney to the hilt in 2012, but they and President Barack Obama have rushed into one anothers’ arms in the wake of his re-election.
Business leaders are resigned to tax hikes and want a quick and clean resolution to the “fiscal cliff.” Obama is more than willing to accept their capitulation, and wants to avoid the substantial damage the business lobby proved it could do to his agenda during his first term, a time of tense relationships between the White House and business. This is a new alliance, and if an alliance of convenience, it’s one with the capacity to change the politics of Washington.
hmmmmm didn't Pres. say something about "CHANGE"?
“I am passionately rooting for your success,” Obama said in remarks Wednesday to the Business Roundtable in Washington before a closed-press question-and-answer session, replacing October’s presidential rhetoric of demanding that the wealthy pay their “fair share” with new emphasis on the role of business in the economy.
“If the companies in this room are doing well, then small businesses and medium-sized businesses up and down the chain are doing well," he said to the group that represents the biggest American businesses.
everybody sounds positive about our economic future, except the republicans why is that?`