Sunday, December 23, 2012

Nancy Lanza let Adam use guns to “teach him responsibility”
she did a good job he responsibly killed her and 26 others. 
The Journal, in what may be the deepest account yet of the inner workings of the Lanza family reports that:
* Adam Lanza stopped talking with his father, Peter, during summer 2010, which coincided with the time a relationship with Peter Lanza’s now-wife turned serious.
* That Christmas, Lanza stopped communicating with his older brother Ryan.
* Nancy Lanza let Adam use her guns at a local shooting range in order to bond with him and “teach him responsibility.”
The story suggests Adam Lanza’s problems started in first grade, at Sandy Hook (where he attended classes through fourth grade). After a stint of home schooling, he was back in the Newtown system for middle school, but remained shy, socially awkward and isolated from classmates.
i can understand getting an idea of what might have been the trigger but over a lifetime there had to be numerous incidents that shaped him not anything they can piece together through word of mouth none of those people experienced his life the way he did, feel good if you can blame someone or something is a wet bandaid.
Mr. Lanza’s mother had again taken him out of public schools. He enrolled in classes at Western Connecticut State University. She “wanted him to have college classes,” Marsha Lanza said. In Nancy’s view, “he was brilliant.”
But as one of the youngest people there, he was an outsider. “We tried to say hi to him every so often, and he just seemed nervous,” said Dot Stasny, a classmate in an introductory German course in spring 2009.

more often parents don't know whats best, they only have their own understanding shaped by their parents or circumstance. this is a different time adapting to it is essential, he who forgets history is destined to repeat it.