Saturday, December 8, 2012

Dick Armey: "This Kind of Secrecy Is Why I Left" FreedomWorks

The Sunlight Foundation, a group that pushes for more transparent politics and policymaking, on Friday reported that federal records show that two mystery companies in September donated over $12 million to the super PAC of FreedomWorks, the tea party-supporting organization that this week was rocked by the abrupt resignation of its chairman, Dick Armey, the former Republican House majority leader. 
These contributions accounted for more than half of the $23.2 million the group raised for the 2012 campaign, and they came from two shadowy Knoxville-Tennessee-based firms—Specialty Group, Inc., and Pike Development LLC—that publicly have no reason to exist other than apparently to make contributions and mask the true source of the money. 
Moreover, Armey tells Mother Jones that he knew nothing about the donations or the origins of the cashand that he quit FreedomWorks partly because of a lack of transparency.
just because he was out of the loop on this one doesn't mean he was not aware of all the other skulduggery perpetrated by the right wing was his feelings hurt more so then his faux outrage of opaqueness?
After the Sunlight Foundation posted this report—noting that the sources of this funding "remain shadowy"—Mother Jones contacted Armey and asked if he had been aware of these contributions and of where the money came from. He replied, "I know nothing about this."
That seemed odd. He was until last Friday the chair of FreedomWorks. Shouldn't he have been in the loop? "This kind of secrecy is why I left," Armey maintained. He added, "I have never seen anything like this before."
OOP'S his bad.