Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Original Tea Party Activist Says It's Not Their Fault

She rejected the notion that more voters sided with Obama's policies than not.
"To me that doesn’t show any sort of giant ideological shift, it’s a superior ground game," she said.

Keli Carender, the Seattle activist credited with being the first tea partier, knows that something went wrong this year. Marquee Tea Party candidates lost big. Voters, in re-electing President Obama, seemed to reject the Tea Party values of repealing Obamacare and slashing taxes on job creators.
But Carender doesn't believe any of this means that the Tea Party failed, or that it abetted the failure of the Republican Party in elections this year. Instead, she's setting her sights on the future, which will involve teaching tea party activists to act like the Obama campaign. 
yes you did just read what you thoughtwas a misprint, me too.  
teaching tea party activists to act like the Obama campaign.
oxymoron mother bagger thinks it will be better if their parrots mimic their conqueror, guess you do have to get inside to know where it's vulnerable, but they neither have the temperament nor moral compass to pull that off without looking even more like a magic show that can't pull a rabbit ot of a hat..
"The right got completely out-hustled and out-organized by the Obama get-out-the-vote machine," Carender said in a phone interview from her native Seattle. She now works for the Tea Party Patriots group. "You’ve got to hand it to them for their community organizing capabilities. We can learn from them."
but they made a complete travesty out of community organizers as a "get a real job" talking point, slanting those all over the world who work at those selfless jobs, something they never heard of, selfless.
This election cycle, the Republican establishment spending machine focused on carpet-bombing states with television ads and robocalls, while the more populist Tea Party apparatus — represented by groups like FreedomWorks and Americans for Prosperity — handled the tasks of canvassing voters and organizing them. But they fell far short of what they could achieve during the Republican wave of 2010.
problem, they tried to buy the vote with a barrage of repeated and rebuked each time lies, and expected "we the people to ignore the consistency.
"I think they weren’t as effective because they were just completely overwhelmed by what he left put into their ground game," Carender said. "We need to register more voters who are likely to side with the tea party."
you think, how about they kept telling their base and us of this terrific ground game they were going places the progressives weren't our message is tight, they have nothing to run on. then telling them they are not stupid, double whammy?
a more smarter and profitable plan might be to tell the truth and stop inventing more lies that are disproved because of the media stupid. we know that won't happen the truth in their case is a tar and featherable offense, not elect me fodder.