Sunday, November 18, 2012

So Far, 23 States Agree to Build Insurance Exchanges - 12 are undecided; feds will build them in the rest
my first thought upon reading this was, how can these right wing gov. tell their constituents "we are not going to support your healthcare you are at the mercy of the gov't" and not get tarred and feathered, are their voters that misinformed they don't realize the advantage to embrace this not to mention it's the law. 
this nose thumbing of the Pres. by the republicans will eventually backfire with thse who now oppose, but once the word gets out after implimentation brand new bag.
Newser) – One huge tangible of President Obama's victory: With ObamaCare moving forward, states must decide in a month how they'll go about setting up health insuranceexchanges where the uninsured can get coverage in 2014. The original deadline was yesterday (it got extended this week), and the AP takes stock of where things stand:
  • 23 states plus DC say they're on board with building exchanges; of those, 16 will do so on their own and seven will partner with the feds.
  • 15 states will do nothing to build the exchanges, meaning they are ceding total control to the federal government to do so. ("I'm not lifting a finger," Republican Maine Gov. Paul LePage toldBloomberg. “We’re not going to get involved. We’re going to let Mr. Obama do a federal exchange. It’s his bill.”
  • 12 states are undecided, including New Jersey, Arizona, and Florida  

Politico notes that a "spirited back-and-forth" is taking place in the latter camp on which is the better option. Mississippi, for example, has decided to create its own exchange, begrudgingly: "I don't like it ... but it is the law," says the state's insurance commissioner.

like the stimulus they will put on a show for their base then abide by the law. their problem will come when that base finds out what they have been trying to deny them.