Friday, November 9, 2012

Sean Hannity, John Boehner say GOP should tackle immigration reform

the Fox resident racist now turns his back on years of radical defamation of those seeking entrance to th US
they have yet to make an etch a sketch that big.
Conservative Fox News and radio host Sean Hannity said Thursday that his views on immigration have "evolved." Hannity continued:
We've gotta get rid of the immigration issue altogether. It's simple for me to fix it. I think you control the border first, you create a pathway for those people that are here, you don't say you gotta go home. And that is a position that I've evolved on. Because you know what—it just—it's gotta be resolved. The majority of people here—if some people have criminal records you can send 'em home—but if people are here, law-abiding, participating, four years, their kids are born here ... first secure the border, pathway to citizenship ... then it's done. But you can't let the problem continue. It's gotta stop.
Meanwhile, in an interview with ABC News' Diane Sawyer, House Speaker John Boehner said he is "confident" the two parties can agree to a deal on immigration.
"This issue has been around far too long," Boehner said. "A comprehensive approach is long overdue, and I'm confident that the president, myself, others can find the common ground to take care of this issue once and for all."
maybe it would not have been around too long if they had not refused to except them for anything more then to cut their lawns, clean their houses, pick their fruit. you can't say something is long time coming if you are the tree in the road.
The party has been searching for answers about why Mitt Romney lost what seemed like a very winnable election. Many within the party have pointed to the GOP's demographics problem: Romney lost every group except for white voters, which is a shrinking portion of the electorate.
 Latinos this year made up 10 percent of all voters, according to the national exit poll, a share that will only grow each election. Like other groups, Latino voters care most about jobs and the economy, but 35 percent of them listed immigration reform as their top issue in a poll conducted by Latino Decisions.
they underestimated the American people, the Pres.said never vote against Americans, think the right got the point?