Monday, November 19, 2012

Republican Underground Emerges From The Shadows

They are few, but they are vocal: the pro-same-sex marriage, pro-choice, pro-tax Republican activists. For years, these groups have labored off the radar, trying to convince a party unwilling to listen that it needs to moderate on issues from social to fiscal. But after the Democrats’ decisive victories on Nov. 6, the Republican Underground says its finally time to go mainstream.
In the days since the election, TPM has talked with what one could call fringe Republican activists from across the issue spectrum. Like most in the GOP since the election returns that “shellshocked” the top of the ticket came in, they’re eager to see the Republican Party become more appealing to the national electorate. Unlike many Republican leaders, however, these activists say they actually know how to make the substantive changes to make that happen.
i knew they were out there
Republicans everywhere talk about a change in tone — rejecting divisive language like Mitt Romney’s post-election “gifts” comment has become the national pastime for the GOP in recent days. But even the most vocal Romney critics in the Republican mainstream have repeatedly said the party doesn’t need to change substantively. It just needs a new sales pitch
but this only sounds like "a little pregnant", you can't say change then refer to it as "a new sales pitch", the right is again telegraphing their strategy to lie and mislead once more. 
"a new sales pitch"? what about instead of trying to sell us your BS rhetoric doing the job for "we the people" not them the corporations. earn your money honestly not unscupulously.
The Republican Underground has a different theory. They’ve called for the party to get with what they see as theprogram on issues like gay marriage and women’s health for years. But they’ve largely been talking to themselves. Now, they say Republicans are coming to them and they’re cautiously optimistic that could mean real changes for the party down the road.
i'm sorry although there are probably some who are serious about change and believe it, but there are still those IMO the majority that embrace this out of covienence, they know they are in the crapper and to claim all of a sudden "i'm with you Black and Brown people" just wreaks of insincere pandering, their grade A accomplishments.