Saturday, November 17, 2012

Raising Social Security Age Is 'Cruel' Idea - Paul Krugman says advocates miss key point on rising life expectancy
social security is not a deficit issue it's paid for and owed to "we the people"
Newser) – One idea that gets floated by both parties in the conversation about reforming Social Security and Medicare is to raise the eligibility age for both. After all, life expectancy is rising, so it's only logical, right? Wrong, writes Paul Krugman in the New York Times. In fact, "it's a cruel, foolish idea," he argues. Yes, overall life expectancy is rising, but what's relevant here is only the life expectancy of current seniors—and, generally speaking, that figure is rising only among the affluent.
you know what that means, flooded ER's, ambulance service, over worked doctors and nurses, rising cost, cruel and unusual treatment of the elderly. like Rev. Al says "it's not about Obama, it's about your mama".
"This means that any further rise in the retirement age would be a harsh blow to Americans in the bottom half of the income distribution, who aren’t living much longer, and who, in many cases, have jobs requiring physical effort that’s difficult even for healthy seniors
this should not be a fight the promise was made to care for the people it's the gov't mandate, so why are republicans trying so hard not to realize that mandate and screw you and me and ultimately the country?