putting the fox in the hen house kills all hens!
House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) has tapped Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) to help reach a deal to avoid the “fiscal cliff,” a senior GOP aide confirms to TPM. The elevated role puts the staunch conservative and recent vice presidential nominee in a tough predicament that carries important implications, both for his personal political future and, potentially, for relations between the White House and Congressional Republicans.
Ryan, the chairman of the House Budget Committee, is now at the center of fiscal cliff talks and involved in daily GOP leadership meetings, along with Ways & Means Chairman Dave Camp and Energy & Commerce Chairman Fred Upton, the aide said. That means that unlike previous hard-fought bipartisan deals, his fingerprints will be on the final outcome.
this guy will be a two time loser Beohner and the boyz set him up if their plan falls through he will take the hit it was his plan from day one they claim that's why they tapped him for VP.
his plan has been rejected by the people evidenced NOV. 6th, so what the fuss they will revert to type and try some clandestine maneuver to get some kind of joy, you remember holding us hostage till they got their way?
In recent years, Ryan has successfully scuttled bipartisan deficit-reduction deals that contained mixes of tax increases and spending cuts, in service of a more absolutist agenda to remake the federal government in a deeply conservative way. He voted against the Bowles-Simpson deficit reduction report and reportedly played a key role in quashing a $4 trillion debt-cutting deal between Boehner and President Obama in the summer of 2011. Later that fall, he asked not to be named to the super committee tasked with reducing budget deficits by a minimum of $1.2 trillion.
Ryan made those erlier moves with an eye toward 2012: if Republicans were to reject new taxes and small fixes to entitlements, his logic went, it would advance GOP efforts to defeat Obama and give the party a claim to enacting Ryan's sweeping budget blueprint after the election
the best laid plans of deceitful obstructionist mice and republicans often go astray