Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Pat Robertson Blames Petraeus Affair on Paula Broadwell: ‘He’s a Man’

Pat Robertson, the infamous Christian television personality made some shocking and downright sexist statements today about retired general David Petraeus’ affair with his biographer, Paula Broadwell (video above):
The man is off in a foreign land and he’s lonely, and here is a good looking lady throwing herself at him–I mean it’s um–he’s a man, so.
His statements, aside from being baseless and entirely presumptuous, seem to place the blame for the affair on Ms. Broadwell, while simultaneously exonerating general Petraeus. Prior to the above quote, Robertson spent some time discussing Patraeus’ achievements and detailing how good looking and attractive he finds Ms. Broadwell.
what is with these right wing Evangelical preachers dude sounds like he'd like to hit it.
Robertson’s remarks are offensive on a number of levels. When describing Ms. Broadwell’s positive attributes, he focuses entirely on her appearance and physical fitness, with no mention of her personality or intelligence, traits that could have appealed to Petraeus as well.
 Then, after sympathizing with the poor, “lonely” general Petraeus, he describes an entirely fictional scene where Ms. Broadwell is throwing herself onto to the general, whose response in kind is acceptable–in fact, expected–because “he’s a man.”
was Patraeus equally as guilty as Broadwell in his feeble mind? or is it the boyz club mentality?