Monday, November 19, 2012

Ohio Ignores Comprehensive Sex Education Bill To Continue War On Women

This election season, the country learned that a majority of national voters overwhelmingly support legal access to abortion, but unfortunately, Ohio refuses to learn this lesson.
Lawmakers in the “Buckeye State” have been too busy pushing extreme anti-choice legislation to notice that sex ed programs in our schools need some work. This month alone, legislators in Ohio voted to defund Planned Parenthood, revive “the most restrictive abortion ban in the nation”, and consider a “sex-selective” abortion ban.
but this is not what you are hearing fron the right they are softening their approach stinks of elephant dung to me. i say let continue and they will self extict themselves
 In the midst of this continuing GOP war on women, lawmakers in Ohio are ignoring a Democrat-supported bill which is described as a “comprehensive sexual health and education measure.” House Bill 338 or the “Prevention First Act”, aims to reform sex education in public schools based on science-based standards.
Sponsored by Democratic Rep. Nickie Antonio of Lakewood, the act would do more than just reform education: The Dayton Daily News reports it would also “establish standards for treatment of sexual assault victims, require HIV/AIDS education and create a state teen pregnancy task force.”
Representative Lynn Wachtmann, chairman of the Ohio House Health and Aging Committee, gave the bill a “complimentary hearing” on Wednesday, but has already stated he doesn’t plan to take it any further. If Ohio Republicans’ true purpose is to reduce the number of abortions, shouldn’t comprehensive sex education be at the top of their “To-Do” list?
folks you are being smoozed all the cumbaya they are spewing lately is not what is under the cover of extending hands.
if they knew this they would ban from campfires.