Saturday, November 10, 2012

McConnell warns Obama on taxes

and it picks up from Nov 6th before 7pm. they are still the richs bitches they will not work out a deal that helps "we the people" after all their pledge signings are much more important then oath of office.
Pres. will not be bullied this time, bring it!
this time we need to help out they won't act on our behalf we need to write letters emails with a cc to newspapers and other media pester our local news keep telling of their obstruction over and over that was there plan, take a page.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell issued a stark warning to Senate Democrats and President Barack Obama who see their election victories as a clear mandate to raise taxes on the rich: He won't let it happen.
McConnell, who has yet to make any public appearances since Tuesday's losses, sent a toughly worded statement to the conservative news outlet Breitbart News, saying there's "no truth" that the GOP would bend to the Democratic demands.
shades of refusal to work with or compromise, so what are we paying them for their middle finger in our faces again?
"I wasn’t sent to Washington to raise anybody’s taxes to pay for more wasteful spending and this election doesn’t change my principles," McConnell said. "This election was a disappointment, without doubt, but let’s be clear about something: the House is still run by Republicans, and Republicans still maintain a robust minority in the Senate.
I know some people out there think Tuesday’s results mean Republicans in Washington are now going to roll over and agree to Democrat demands that we hike tax rates before the end of the year. I’m here to tell them there is no truth to that notion whatsoever."
well this time is different you signed the sequester stupid, Pres. should let the tax cuts run out explain to the people this is because of republican refusal to harm the riches couch money, then reestablishing the middle class tax cuts retroactively then point out again if they refuse to help "we the people"