Monday, November 12, 2012

Lindsey Graham: We Will Pass Immigration Reform

 "Senator Graham and I have talked, and we are resuming the talks that were broken off two years ago,” Schumer said on NBC’s “Meet The Press.” “We had put together a comprehensive detailed blueprint on immigration reform. It had the real potential for bipartisan support.”
which side was more involved in breaking off talks?

“Graham and I are talking to our colleagues about this right now,” he said, “and I think we have a darn good chance using this blueprint to get something done this year.”It’s a new-found optimism fueled by Republican concerns of looming demographic doom. Following Mitt Romney’s defeat, multiple influential conservatives — such as Charles Krauthammer and Sean Hannity — are eager to repair GOP fissures with Latinos and have endorsed immigration reform, including amnesty for those in the country illegally, as one way to do that.
why is it they think Hispanic's will believe regardless to what they say or do that now and onl after the shellacking they helped deliver to the right wing that "now we see w need you so come n back, all is forgiven you can self "report" back here we will show you nothing but luv" with smiling faces across the party smiling faces?,   
“It’s one thing to shoot yourself in the foot,” Graham said on CBS’ “Face The Nation,” referring to GOP support among Hispanics. “Just don’t reload the gun.”
“So I intend not to reload this gun when it comes to Hispanics,” he said. “I intend to tear this wall down and pass an immigration reform bill that’s an American solution to an American problem. But we have nobody to blame but ourselves when it comes to losing Hispanics. And we can get them back with some effort on our part.”
i can see real fair reform from at least one senator no names but his initials are "SCHUMER"
Graham, who at times had taken the high road and surprised me with his approach to different normally refused right wing issues, maybe i got sucked in wanting there to be some sort of coming together,. but since they lost he has picked up that "good 'ol boy" name tag again.
 it's one thing for one person to talk potential compromise, but truly another when their entire party is recorded as not about that at all.