Saturday, November 10, 2012

Karl Rove under fire

The face of the historic $1-billion planto unseat President Barack Obama and turn the Senate Republican, Karl Rove now finds himself the leading scapegoatfor its failure. And he’s scrambling to protect his status as a top GOP money man by convincing disappointed donors to his Crossroads groups that he did the best he could with their $300 million.
Sources tell POLITICO that some donors have called Crossroads officials to ask how their polling could have been so far off, while others are openly grumbling that the groups should have spent more on the ground game. Rival operatives — long frustrated by Rove’s dominance of big GOP money — are seizing on the discontent, questioning whether he’s hurting the cause, and privately urging donors to shut him out.
During a secret Thursday afternoon conference call with his benefactors, Rove laid out the analytics behind his assertions to donors that a massive late-game advertising push would expand the electoral map into Pennsylvania and deliver the White House and the Senate.
you have to believe they were counting on all the voter suppression some of the numbers would move their way. of all the finger pointing it boils down to a one word explanation,"UNDERESTIMATION". their arrogance would not allow for anything other than their righteousness, that was a collective mindset not just Rove. thinking you can buy the presidency was the second problem, betting on the gullibility of ":we the people" is not betting on America it's betting on your own cockiness.
The call was civil, focusing on questions like “‘where was my strategy, was it right, was it wrong? What did we find out that we didn’t know before?’ That kind of thing – nothing negative, no recriminations or blame,” said Minnesota media mogul Stan Hubbard 
Donors “weren’t saying anything like ‘hey, you dumb son of a bitch,’” added Hubbard, who has donated to both the Rove-conceived American Crossroads super PAC and its secret-money nonprofit affiliate Crossroads GPS. “It was all very businesslike. It was as if you were in a business conference and you were a retailer and ‘why didn’t this product sell better?’”
On the call, some donors even told Rove, “’I’m glad I gave to you. I feel we made progress,’” recalled Hubbard. “Every quarterback, every coach doesn’t call every play 100 percent right,” he added. “I don’t know how you’re going to blame him. What are you going to blame Karl for?”
i don't believe that for a secnd these guys are trying to buy the gov't so their henchmen can legislate in their favor allowing them to keep most to all of their money and we are to believe they would be cordial to the bastard that cost them billions with a 1% return, BS.