Thursday, November 15, 2012

John McCain Supported Condi Rice After Massive Intelligence Failure | ThinkProgress

i served i Vietnam with him in '67 but as of this year i have lost all respect for him, no longer a straight shooter a teller of truths,but a right wing shill who lost miserably to the guy who won and now seeks to discredit him but he has only succeeded in discrediting himself.  Sarah,(knock,knock,knock), Sarah (knock,knock,knock.   Plin, Palin, Bueller, Bueller.
On Wednesday, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) promised to filibuster Rice’s nomination and “do whatever to block the nomination that is within our power.” “She’s not qualified,” McCain explained, arguing that she misled the public by initially attributing the September 11 Benghazi attack to protests over an anti-Islam video. He claimed that at a minimum, Rice is guilty of “not being very bright, because it was obvious that this was not a ‘flash mob’ and there was additional information by the time she went on every news show…in America.”
But interestingly, McCain took a far different approach to another Rice in 2005. When President George W. Bush nominated National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice to the post, McCain defended the nomination, despite Rice’s central role in spreading the false intelligence that Saddam Hussein was developing weapons of mass destruction. The Democrats held hours of hearing and ultimately confirmed Rice, but not before McCain accused the opposition of using politics to delay her confirmation and challenging her “integrity”: 
McCAIN: Condoleezza Rice is a great American success story. This is what America is all about. A young woman who grew up in a segregated part of America where Americans were not treated equally, to rise to the position of secretary of state. We should have been celebrating, I believe, this remarkable American success story.
is this a case of "not one of theirs? or republican obstruction all over again?
this is no more than the republicans denying the Pres. an appt out of spite, childish response shows they are not leaders.