Thursday, November 29, 2012

Immigration Advocates Say They Want More Than Republicans' Piecemeal Reforms
WASHINGTON — The scenes couldn’t have been more different: on Tuesday two white, retiring Republican senators stood before the press to unveil their scaled back version of Dream Act legislation, while the next day 23 Latino senators and congressmen — all Democrats — triumphantly gathered to unveil their demands for sweeping immigration reforms.
Sens. Kay Bailey Hutchison and Jon Kyl touted their bill, which would provide legalized status to children who were brought to the country illegally, as a way to begin“the conversation” on immigration reform.
right wing speak to nowhere like Palin's bridge, buzz words like talk about, have a conversation, discuss, explore solutions all these verbs are just that expressions of action what is sorely absent is implement, 
 Verb, 1. implement - apply in a manner consistent with its purpose or design;= just do it.
“We used to be the unwanted party crashers. We made the other party goers uncomfortable … and all of a sudden, we are the bell of the ball. And we’re here to say, ‘it’s time to start the dance,’” Guiterrez said.
guess the Evangelicals missed this one.