Friday, November 16, 2012

AUDIO: Romney Suggests Democrats Run On Free Dental Care In 2016
Audio and new quotes from Mitt Romney’s postmortem calls with donors have emerged in which the Republican nominee elaborates on his claim that “big gifts” from President Obama to minorities, youth, and women swung the election.
If this audio had come out two weeks ago, the tape would officially classify as yet another Romney gaffe.
On one such call, a recording of which was obtained by ABC, Romney explained that Obama’s health care law, long considered one of the president’s biggest vulnerabilities by top Republicans, actually rallied Democratic base voters against him. The former Republican nominee said Obama followed “a proven political strategy, which is give a bunch of money to a group and, guess what, they’ll vote for you.”
“What I would do if I were a Democrat running four years from now, I’d say, you know what, dental care will be included in Obamcare … and Republicans will say, no, that’s going to cost a trillion dollars, and the Democrats will say, that’s fine, you know, we’ll pay it,” Romney said in the recording. 
this guy needs to seek professional help this beat down has taken more of a toll on him then normal, oh i said normal ok never mind. 
 “What I would do if I were a Democrat running four years from now
we gave less than gnat crap what he thought as a republican why would we even entertain any more of his halucinations?  he needs to go to the Cayman's, Switzerland or China and get treatment this is getting sad, he looks like he's trying to get back at the party as well.