Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Americans For Prosperity 'Extremely Disappointed' In Rick Scott After Obamacare Shift

Americans for Prosperity, a conservative organization backed by the billionaire Koch brothers, took aim at Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) on Monday, accusing him of working against his state's interests with his apparent change of heart on Obamacare.
In a statement, AFP said that Scott's recent signal that he was willing to consider implementing key provisions of President Barack Obama's health care reform law was a step in the wrong direction.
"AFP is extremely disappointed in leaders in Florida suggesting that the Sunshine State should create a health insurance exchange” said Slade O’Brien, AFP’s Florida State Director. “An exchange will increase insurance premiums on consumers and taxes on hardworking families. Florida’s best intentions will be masked by the federal government’s onerous requirements.”
for people who tried to stay in the background but failed are now outing themselves, i knew it would happen their greed would not allow tem to lose that much money to come up empty and not seek to blame to take away the idiocy of betting against Americans by them. frankly i'm luvin' it it shows them and the world what kind of America this really is.
Scott had stood as one of the most stubborn adversaries of Obamacare, even in the wake of the president's reelection, which effectively secured the law's existence. But after first vowing to reject moves to set up a state-run health insurance exchange and expand Medicaid rolls under the Affordable Care Act, Scott said last week that he was ready to "have a conversation." Leaders in the state legislature have also signalled a willingness to take steps toward implementation.
reelection reality is a biatch.
But with Obama's reelection, health care reform is here to stay and the federal government must scramble to get ready. The exchanges open for business to the uninsured on Oct. 1, 2013.
People will go to the exchanges to learn whether they qualify for the health insurance tax credits available to anyone earning up to four times the federal poverty level, which amounts to $44,680 this year. Those earning up to 133 percent of the poverty level, or $14,856 this year, will be entitled to Medicaid if they live in a state that doesn't refuse to expand the program. Through the exchanges, 9 million people will obtain private health insurance for 2014 and 11 million will enter the Medicaid program or the Children's Health Insurance Program that first year, according to the Congressional Budget Office.
A group of governors sent a letter to the administration late last week, asking it to extend a deadline for states to decide whether to set up marketplaces and take the time to answer their questions. While the administration pushed the deadline back until next month, a number of GOP governors have already decided to stand firm in rejecting the exchanges.
this is a stall to give them time to figure another way around compliance to the law and most egregious denying Fla.'s people the benefits of ObamaCares, they are changing their game, i think not still obstructing and looking out for insurance co.