Tuesday, November 6, 2012

a 4 year record of truths


the right wing has steadily for 4 years tried to beat down the accomplishments of this Pres., IMO as many progressives we believe he did not challenge the misinformation strong enough, his admin i really fault for not picking up the gauntlet and correcting the lies, as well as advise him as to what the real deal is the republicans are not interested in advancing the cause of "we the people" only the agenda of big business there is no empathy there. he mistakenly thought he would be dealing with humans with humane mindsets, therein lies the problem.

Romney told us there will be no change they will continue to obstruct, they need to go they believe compromise is Dems coming to their way period. you know the are at fault their rasting has been as low as 10%, makes no sense to allow the same thing again.
voting for Romney because you think he'll get you a job haven't so far after promise's by the right to do that in 2010, don't forget they also told you they would not help this Pres. in any way and they put in a more rabid group who has taken the stance of damn the people we want what we want. a job is good but they will tax you back to can't make the ends meetville, and what about your health so you can work stop them make them earn the money and work with the Pres. to secure a future geared toward you.
your decision