Tuesday, November 6, 2012

9 takeaways from the 2012 Election

Barack Obama and Mitt Romney supporters are shown. | AP Photos

luck not so sure, put in the hands of the fickle American electorate more of a coin toss some would use a double headed coin.
And yet a little bit of luck goes an awfully long way. For all his troubles throughout his term, Obama caught some needed breaks.
Obama was fortunate to be blessed with an opponent who declined to define himself until after the party conventions at the end of the summer. That allowed Romney to be swift-boated over his main calling card — his business experience. Obama was fortunate to draw a rival who ran a curious ad strategy that allowed Democrats to swamp him.
He was fortunate his opponent never, until it was quite late, made effective overtures to Hispanics, the fastest-growing voting bloc. He was fortunate the eurozone didn’t totally collapse. And he was fortunate that Romney went with prevent defense in the final presidential debate.
 Super PACs — it's complicated
They were the favored boogeyman of most Democrats and the entity Republican hopefuls openly embraced. They were going to be the game-changer this cycle, allowing a small pool of roughly a dozen billionaires to buy elections. They would throw the campaigns into messaging chaos by creating off-kilter moments (see Ricketts, Joe). They would swamp the airwaves.
the right wing did not have luck on their minds when they set about usurping the entire constitution and attempted to rewrite laws like Bush did with torture.

they created their own fortune by misleading misinforming out right lying in a loop that was rebutted each time, it has worked for them, those persons that vote that ticket find it ok that if they get in hooray regardless to the UnAmerican manner and methods they used to get there, just to create not the Romney you think you see but this one their puppet crated by the real Frankenstein's of the right. think before you vote, your life hinges in the balance


