Thursday, October 25, 2012

Virginia Gov. Says Obama Insulted the Navy. Pot, Meet Kettle.

first out of the blocks he lie's. i was a sailor fought in Vietnam along side McCain in '67, didn't know him or of him but i would venture this neither one of us is insulted.
@BobMcDonnel President Obama's comment about 'horses and bayonets' was an insult to every sailor who has put his or her life on the line for our country.
McDonnell repeated the charge verbatimin a statement released through the Romney campaign the next morning, then doubled down on it in an uncomfortable interview with Anderson Cooper Tuesday night. It's poppycock, though: Sailors generally agree with Obama on the silliness of counting dreadnoughts versus nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. "Navy officials argue that just one or two of the Navy's modern destroyers and submarines could take out the entire 1916 fleet with ease," the Wall Street Journal's Julian Barnesreported Tuesday.
 There's more: Despite touting his own past experience as an Army medical supply officer, McDonnell has often run afoul of the sea service in his short tenure. Here are five McDonnell policies that left some sailors fuming:
that implies all he did was pass out band aides and aspirin.
5) Supporting scammers of veterans. In 2009, an obscure "charity" called the US Navy Veterans Association gave $67,500 to Virginia politicians' campaigns, including $5,000 to McDonnell and $55,500 to his eventual attorney general. The following year, the governor signed a bill that released the USNVA from Virginia requirements to registerbefore soliciting funds from residents. But the USNVA, a multi-million-dollar criminal front for a grifter wanted by the FBI since 1987 for fraud, took cash from unwitting veteran donors and ran with it. McDonnell had been warned beforehand, but signed the law anyway. It's still on the books, even though the charity scammer is in jail. Virginia-based sailors might think twice before donating to "Navy" charities again.
now this is insulting, reprehensible and typical republican playbook