Friday, October 26, 2012

State Dept.: European election observers immune from US law

we have seen all the voter blocking they have attempted they need to be watch not to be trusted.
Election observers from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) have immunity from U.S. laws, according to State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland.
Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott had sent a letter to the OSCE on Tuesday informing the organization that its observers “are not authorized by Texas law to enter a polling place,” and that coming within 100 feet of a polling place “may be a criminaloffense.” 
what is it with Texas can we kick them out of the union? there has to be some sanction against those right wing led states when they try to ignore federal law even in those cases that help the citizens ike stimulus checks.
this is the danger of the right wing clammer about give the states the right to control federal programs, the irresponsible laws they have created stagnate the American way as it is perceived.
but they are all to willing to put T-Per's over your shoulder we know what kind of skulduggery they are capable of.
Nuland dismissed a question about whether authorities in Texas had cause to worry the OSCE efforts were the advance of “some international attempt to assert control of their sovereignty.”
citizens united? talk about attempts to assert control anybody trying to buy our gov't.