Monday, October 29, 2012

Obama, Romney Legal Teams Monitor Presidential Election

Romney people must be there for appearance all they claim to be guarding against so far has only been found in their front yard.
Obama, Romney Legal Teams – To prevent another Al Gore and George Bush fiasco, legal teams for Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama are monitoring the polls and votes. Either they know something we don’t, or they truly care about how voters do at the polls. It’s an important election that already has tens of thousands of lawyers watching it.
“They are all bracing for Florida in 2000 — everyone wants to be in position so as not to be disadvantaged by a court decision in a tie,” says Steve Schmidt, who ran John McCain’s 2008 campaign. “This [is] a preventive strategy. They are largely in search of problems that don’t yet exist. It’s like the Cold War and nuclear capability. You want to have what the other guy has.”
In Florida alone, a minimum of 5,000 lawyers are volunteering to work as poll watchers on Election Day for the Obama campaign. There will most likely be just as many for the Republican side.
the country of democracy has to check their political workers and politicians from cheating in a democratic alleged fair and honest election.
“The slightest discrepancy or hint that legitimate voting is being impeded anywhere will prompt an overwhelming legal show of force. Since the Gore-Bush recount, everyone is on very high alert.”
Obama spokesman Adam Fletcher said that the campaign “will continue to closely monitor developments between now and Election Day, but looking forward, we’re focused on making sure that every voter … is empowered to exercise their right to vote.”
one party looking for something to pin their hallucinations on the other just wants us all to exercise our right to vote without right wing interference, guess who.