Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Obama Schools Romney

The final presidential debate did not resolve much, but it showed, yet again, that Mitt Romney will say just about anything to win the White House.
The current president had two tasks to accomplish at Debate 3: Foreign Policy Edition. First, Barack Obama had to tout his overseas achievements and beat back the right-wing attack that he is weak and feckless. Second, he had to knock Romney on the defensive and, once again, raise overarching questions about the Republican candidate's credibility and capabilities. Romney's mission was more simple: look reasonable and commander-in-chief-ish. A high-school debate coach would probably award the match on points to Obama, who was commanding and vigorously described his national security actions. 
Both candidates met their key goals, but Obama more so than Romney, who accomplished his mission by repeatedly ducking confrontations and often endorsing the president's own actions—even if that meant Romney was jettisoning his previous stances
IMO we have realized Romney's foreign policy at last he intends to copycat the Pres. policy he agreed with virtually all the Pres. said, but if he were to adopt all he agreed to last night by virtue of his on words "the Pres.'s foreign policy is unraveling before "HIS" eye's so once again like outsourcing he wants by his interpretation reinstate in his opinion a failing policy, how dumb is that?
 Yet, in a bizarre pirouette, Romney ended up agreeing more with Obama than not: on the planned 2014 Afghanistan withdrawal, on looking to identify opposition forces to back in Syria, on the Obama's administration handling of the Egyptian revolution, on the president's expanded use of drones, on using sanctions to deal with Iran. Romney's main statement of the night on Afghanistan—"We're going to be finished by 2014"—was a reversal of his previous position that he would consult with commanders before committing to the timeline established by Obama.