Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Mitt Romney Panic Syndrome

has Romney become the right wing punching bag?
Mitt Romney is enjoying at least the fourth public loss of confidence by conservative elites since winning the nomination. The first came in June when Rupert Murdoch and others complained that he was not taking the fight to Barack Obama. Then in July, he was faulted for thinking he could skate to victory by running only as the anti-Obama. Then in early August, GOP veteran voices again counseled against the passive campaign and urged Romney to be bold by picking a vice president with some substance. Now the fever arrives again from a variety of conservative quarters that he is not giving voters a reason to vote for him.
 If you were a medicine man, you might notice that the fever comes on hardest at the start of every month. Perhaps it is triggered by soft monthly jobs reports. The view may be that given the persistently glum economic news, even an area rug could beat the incumbent. Romney should be doing better, so: panic. As George Will put it recently: "If the Republican Party cannot win in this environment, it has to get out of politics and find another business." Whatever the reason behind the outbreaks, campaign wizards at Romney's Boston headquarters should start mixing the October poultice now.
in the republican race to blame another they have switched horses in the middle, and now focusing on the ineptness of their "hold our nose candidate". completely dismissing the fact that they wanted him because they thought he could beat the Black guy.
the Black guy keeps beating him and "outObamaring" them, they picked the wrong one to exercise their racist agenda.
There is more merit to the knock on Romney's vagueness. If Romney doesn't get more specific, they may not find him appealing enough to leave Obama. That would be bad for Romney and Republicans, of course, but there may also be a way in which Romney's lack of specificity is bad for everyone.
If Romney doesn't get more specific, whichever party wins will have no mandate for governing. If Romney wins, his lack of specificity will mean he has no mandate. If Obama wins, Republicans will conclude that the president didn't prevail in a contest of ideas; he simply defeated a bad politician, which will make them no more likely to cooperate with him.
if you believe this i have a beta max broken and torn for sale as is.   republicans "say's" never end with you saying yeah!