Tuesday, September 4, 2012

platform difference


The Democratic platform claims that the Republican budget plan to reshape the program “would end Medicare as we know it.” The platform says that: “Democrats adamantly oppose any efforts to privatize or voucherize Medicare; unlike our opponents we will not ask seniors to pay thousands of dollars more every year while they watch the value of their Medicare benefits evaporate. Democrats believe that Medicare is a sacred compact with our seniors.”
The Republican platform says it will “save Medicare by modernizing it.” It calls for moving Medicare and Medicaid “away from their current unsustainable defined-benefit entitlement model to a fiscally sound defined-contribution model.” Their proposed change would affect those under 55. “While retaining the option of traditional Medicare in competition with private plans,” the platform says, “we call for a transition to a premium-support model for Medicare, with an income-adjusted contribution toward a health plan of the enrollee’s choice.” 
The Democrats pledge in their platform to “find a solution to protect Social Security for future generations” and to “block Republican efforts to subject Americans’ guaranteed retirement income to the whims of the stock market through privatization.”
The Republican platform envisions the creation of private accounts as “supplements” to the Social Security system: “While no changes should adversely affect any current or near-retiree, comprehensive reform should address our society’s remarkable medical advances in longevity and allow younger workers the option of creating their own personal investment accounts as supplements to the system
just a couple to give a idea of what fits you best
The Democratic platform says that President Obama will “extend key tax relief for working families and those paying for college, while asking the wealthiest and corporations to pay their fair share.” It says “we are committed to reforming our tax code so that it is fairer and simpler, creating a tax code that lives up to the Buffett Rule so no millionaire pays a smaller share of his or her income in taxes than middle-class families do.”
The Republican platform calls for extending the Bush-era tax cuts, reducing marginal tax rates across the board by 20 percent in a revenue-neutral manner and eliminating taxes on interest, dividends and capital gains for lower and middle-income taxpayers. “Taxes, by their very nature, reduce a citizen’s freedom,” the Republican platform says
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