Sunday, August 19, 2012

White Denial and Black Middle-Class Realities

The denial of racism is an obsession of white America. In what has become a holy trinity of sorts -- accusing others of playing the "race card;" noting the election of Barack Obama; and citing the success of the black middle class and/or the black elite -- the denial of racism and the demonization of those who demand that America fulfill its creed of equality plagues contemporary racial discussions. 
It is a rarity to witness a conversation about race, whereupon this holy trinity isn't deployed, derailing the conversation before it even begins. Whether highlighting segregation or inequality in access to education, health care, or countless institutions, whether noting the realities of stop-and-frisk or daily confrontations with American racism, the response is often the same: denial, denial, denial.
" The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist". the usual suspects, are on the right.
this is for those who cite the black middle class (likely never having a meaningful conversation with a person of color of any class status) as evidence that poverty rates, incarceration rates, educational inequality or health disparities is the result of faulty values or a poor work ethic.
the longer they hold out the more the new majority rises in numbers. join in the world or experience the segregation they imposed on the former minority in their own minds, because we progressives no play that. welcome to your own hell.  poetic or what?