Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Right's Favorite Historian Comes Apart at the Seams

more hypocracy from the religious right?
David Barton, during an interview with longtime fan Glenn Beck in April.
For more a decade, the religious right's leading authority on America's founders and their divine inspiration has been David Barton, a fast-talking Texan with a bachelor's degree in Christian education and a climate-controlled underground vault stocked with tens of thousands of antique documents, including Bibles, diaries, and correspondence. Barton has turned the study of America's Christian roots into a lucrative business, hawking books and video sermons, speaking at churches and political confabs, and scoring a fawningNew York Times profile and interviews on the Daily Show. He's got friends in high places: "I almost wish that there would be like a simultaneous telecast and all Americans would be forced—at gunpoint no less—to listen to every David Barton message," Mike Huckabee told an Evangelical audience in March of 2011. "I never listen to David Barton without learning a whole lot of new things," Newt Gingrich told conservatives in Iowa that same month.  That's probably because much of what David Barton writes seems to have originated in David Barton's head.
well we already now the history on those two gentlemen, Huckabee promoting multiple voting, fraud? Newt promoting himself.
On Thursday, Barton's publisher announced that it was recalling Barton's newest book, The Jefferson Lies, from stores and suspending publication because it had "lost confidence" in the book's accuracy. That came one day after NPR published a scathing fact-check of Barton's work, specifically his claim that passages of the Constitution were lifted verbatim from the Bible. NPR's conclusion: "We looked up every citation Barton said was from the Bible, but not one of them checked out." Likewise, although Barton frequently regales audiences with a story about how Congress commissioned the printing of Bibles in order to promote Christian values among the populace, NPR found that "Congress never published or paid a dime for the 1782 Bible." Rather, "It was printed and paid for by Philadelphia printer Robert Aitken."
Evangelical rewrite or more trash feeding to the gullible one's? they have a proven con, religion and the many who need direction just get directed and not saved. most Elmer Gantry types will milk that cow till the end.
Jay W. Richards, senior fellow at the Discovery Institute, and author with James Robison of Indivisible: Restoring Faith, Family, and Freedom Before It's Too Late, spoke alongside Barton at Christian conferences as recently as last month. Richards says in recent months he has grown increasingly troubled about Barton's writings, so he asked 10 conservative Christian professors to assess Barton's work.
Their response was negative. Some examples: Glenn Moots of Northwood University wrote that Barton in The Jefferson Lies is so eager to portray Jefferson as sympathetic to Christianity that he misses or omits obvious signs that Jefferson stood outside "orthodox, creedal, confessional Christianity." A second professor, Glenn Sunshine of Central Connecticut State University, said that Barton's characterization of Jefferson's religious views is "unsupportable." A third, Gregg Frazer of The Master's College, evaluated Barton's video America's Godly Heritage and found many of its factual claims dubious, such as a statement that "52 of the 55 delegates at the Constitutional Convention were 'orthodox, evangelical Christians.'"
religious right has usurped religion and turned it into a testimony for their blasphemous teachings of hate and bigotry. to follow them if you truly believe is a one way ticket to_____.