Thursday, August 16, 2012

Team Obama: Ryan 'falls flat' with voters, like Palin and Quayle

The Obama campaign issued a memo on Thursday saying Mitt Romney’s announcement of Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) as his running mate had fallen “flat” with voters.
In a memo called “The Announcement Without a Bounce: Romney’s Choice Falls Flat,” Democratic pollster Joel Benenson cited data he says put Ryan’s selection “on par with the selections of Sarah Palin and Dan Quayle.”
does not matter to their base they would pick a dead earthworm if they could get rid of the best president for them in recent decades, they are just clouded with hate and right wing rhetoric they can't see the loght at the end for the elephant dung up to their necks.
Romney led Gallup's tracking poll 46 percent to 45 over President Obama in the four days prior to the Ryan announcement. He has led Obama 47 to 45 percent in the four days since. That's a bump of 1 percentage point for Romney, although the daily Gallup poll has a 3 percentage point margin of error.
The findings are consistent with a poll Gallup released on Monday, which found a plurality of Americans were not enthusiastic about the Ryan pick.
there is no great white hope and hopette, just to jerks trying to fool thhe people. how do they feel about their selves knowing that if they get in it will be because of deceit, lies and bribery, wonder what their kids think of them too.