Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Ryan's abortion stance could widen gender gap in swing states

Rep. Paul Ryan’s record on abortion and contraception could help widen a gender gap that is already hurting Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign in several key states.
Abortion-rights supporters — including the Obama campaign — have aggressively attacked Ryan’s (R-Wis.) stance on abortion and other women’s-health issues since Romney announced his selection as running mate this past Saturday. And they say the choice can only hurt Romney’s standing with female voters.
One of the bills he co-sponsored would define human life as beginning at the moment of fertilization — a far-reaching approach that could limit access to contraception and procedures like in vitro fertilization. It’s similar to the “personhood” approach, which voters in deeply conservative Mississippi rejected last November.
Another would let hospitals decline to perform abortions, based on religious conviction, even if the life of the pregnant woman is at stake.
how much more do the women on the right need to see they are experiencing some kinda Stockholm syndrome in their support of detriment to their own gender, i will never understand that, then i guess that's why i'm a compassionate, respectful of women's rights progressive.
those on the right have the right to vote whoever they want, dictated to them or because______you fill in that blank, they just don't have the right to suppress our vote and drag us to hell with them. not American but it is anarchy.