Monday, August 13, 2012

Ryan more pro-LGBT than GOP; Reality: not so much

It had a juicy headline designed to entice more people to read it, so it probably was read by a lot of people. But in typical fashion portions are political spin deemed truthful in the Washington bubble but so divorced from reality as to be patently false in the realm of reality. The part that was particularly irksome was the number 5 thing "Mitt doesn't want you to know about Paul Ryan:"
5. This is both a pro and a con to Ryan, depending on who you ask, but he's notably further to the left on the issue of lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender rights than the base of the party. He broke with a lot of his party to support the Employee Non-Discrimination Act in 2007. He explained his reasoning for the vote in this way: "They [his gay friends] didn't roll out of bed one morning and choose to be gay. That's who they are."
Sounds plausible, right? Ohhhh, he doesn't hate the gays! He voted for a bill that would ban employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, a position Gallup polled in 2009 as being supported by 89% of the American people. Paul Ryan is so, so brave!
more deceit fro the Ryan camp but this time who's he zoomin'?
The 2007 version of ENDA that was voted on by the House (and voted for by Paul Ryan) was the non-inclusive version of ENDA. For those of you that don't follow LGBT politics, 2007 was a very contentious year on LGBT legislation. Two versions of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act were introduced in Congress. They are colloquially known as the inclusive and non-inclusive versions of ENDA. The inclusive version of ENDA would have banned employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, i.e. it would include the transgender community. The non-inclusive version would have only banned discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and did not include protections for our transgender brothers and sisters.
 and this during the Bush tenure. so is the hate coming more from the T-Per's than traditional republican's? they sure have made this "not your daddy's republican party".