Monday, August 6, 2012

Romney Familiy Kept Buying Stocks Conflicting With GOP Positions In Spite Of Promise Not To

is he a traitor to his own cause?
Romney promised in 2007 he wouldn’t purchase stocks that conflicted with Republican positions on hot button issues. But that has not been the case: “Recently disclosed tax returns for three family trust funds for Romney, his wife, Ann, and their adult children show scores of trades in companies whose business operations are inconsistent with Republican Party stances that Romney favors on Iran, China, stem cell research, abortion and other issues.”
he is not faithful to anything, does that make him a soulless wannabe leader? a vacant shell full of money and nothing else?  i tell you this, it does not make him presidential material for "we the poeople".
the right and it's followers have no compunction about character, their leaders exemplify that. Romney don't know why they are holding their noes's he's the epitome of their criteria to be republican. those who oppose feel totally comfortable with those with out a moral compass, birds of a feather?