Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Romney and Obama's Welfare Reform: A Major Distortion

In his Chicago Tribune column, Clarence Page argues that Mitt Romney's assault on President Obama's welfare-reform policy actually gets in the way of putting its recipients to work.
In a July 12 directive, the Obama administration invited the states to apply for waivers from welfare reform rules that require recipients to get a job, seek a job or engage in job training.
That opened up an opportunity for Romney and other Republicans to charge, as a Romney campaign ad puts it, that Obama is single-handedly trying to "gut" President Bill Clinton's 1996 welfare overhaul "by dropping work requirements."
Since the 1996 Welfare Reform Act, anyone seeking cash assistance has faced strict work requirements and a five-year lifetime limit. But "(u)nder Obama's plan, you wouldn't have to work and wouldn't have to train for a job," says the narrator in the Romney ad. "They would just send you your welfare check. And welfare-to-work goes back to being just plain old welfare. Mitt Romney will restore the work requirement because it works."
But the directive's aim is to improve welfare-to-work, not gut it. Major fact-checking organizations tend to agree. gave the ad a "Pants on Fire!" rating, calling it a "drastic distortion." gave a similarly low rating
misleading again in order to hold on and gain more power at the expense of "we the people's" misinformation of what really the Pres. is doing for us and they are not doing for us. glory thieves trying to pump themselves up on the Pres.'s  record accomplishments, you know all the things they promised but he did, from Bin Laden to healthcare to fare wages for women, the right the opposite "goose egg".
all we need to do is listen to both sides of the argument and make your own decision. for instance if the Pres. really cut 460 billion why have seniors not experienced any drop in services