Sunday, August 19, 2012

President Obama promotes welfare reform, GOP launches false attacks —

President Obama is a champion of welfare-to-work programs. Recently, he gave states more of the tools they need to help move people from assistance to employment as quickly as possible. Republican governors have been asking for these new tools for years—and in 2005 Governor Romney himself requested the same kind of flexibility that the Obama administration provided.
But rather than work with the President on welfare reform, Mitt Romney and his Republican allies are launching false attacks on the very changes they once supported. They are claiming that President Obama weakened the welfare-to-work requirements when the opposite is true.
In fact, Romney’s ad has been called “wildly misleading,” “mind-boggling,” “dubious,” “hypocritical,” “false,” and a “huge and shameless deception.” The New York Times said Romney “has hit new depths of truth-twisting” with this “blatantly false” ad. Politifact gave Romney’s ad a rating of “pants on fire.”
The Problem
Under the welfare reform law signed by President Clinton, states are required to move people from federal assistance to work. While the goal was to give each state flexibility to create a program that met their own local needs, some federal requirements are extremely complex.
States say that their caseworkers spend more time completing paperwork than helping people get work. States, especially Republican-led states like Utah and Nevada, have asked for more flexibility so that they can create more successful programs. President Obama listened to their concerns, and announced new options to help meet their needs.
The Solution
Under the President’s policy, states can build the welfare to work program that is best for them, and can apply for waivers from federal requirements that get in their way.  This new policy cannot be used to weaken welfare reform: Waivers that weaken or undercut welfare reform will not be approved. Waivers will not be granted to avoid time limits on when assistance may be provided. The only waivers that will be granted will test approaches that can do a better job at promoting work among families receiving assistance.
and yet they continue to run this fraudulent message misleading no lying to "we the people" under their leadership we would all be guilty by association, complicit to their fraud, they've found it it's in their playbook now leave us alone to engage in our constitutional rights.
 This is a common sense reform to give governors—including some of Romney’s supporters—flexibility to live up to the goals of the welfare reform law. Romney should know: He used to support these kinds of waivers. In 2005, he joined other Republican governors in a letter to Senator Frist, urging the Senate to move quickly on “increased waiver authority” for the welfare program.
Politifact: “By granting waivers to states, the Obama administration is seeking to make welfare-to-work efforts more successful, not end them. What’s more, the waivers would apply to individually evaluated pilot programs—HHS is not proposing a blanket, national change to welfare law.”
just to start you off with the decriers of the ROMYAN plan to bilk Americans in favor of the insurance companies, that dynamic has not stopped they are still beholden for their bribe money.