Monday, August 13, 2012

Paul Ryan VP Pick An Unpopular Choice: Poll

Americans' initial reaction to Paul Ryan is decidedly lukewarm, with more rating his selection as vice president negatively than positively, according to a USA Today/Gallup poll taken after the announcement.
Ryan's ratings were less positive than those for any other vice presidential pick part of Gallup since 2000, including Sarah Palin, Joe Biden and Dick Cheney. The only other recent vice presidential selection to gain net negative ratings was Dan Quayle in 1988.
and we thought they were so plesaed they peed their pants, even though they told maybe even insisted he confirm their pick for VP.
Ryan was rated as an "excellent" or "pretty good" selection by 39 percent of Americans, and an "only fair" or "poor" selection by 42 percent. Just 17 percent said the pick made them more likely to vote for Romney, continuing a trend of vice presidential selections that don't immediately have much effect on presidential races.
but they said he was the best thing since ice in your drink. more exaggerations?