Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Paul Ryan pretends he doesn't agree with every 'outrageous' thing Todd Akin said

right wingers always fall back on his words were, i would not have used that word, but never saying they just wholeheartedly endorse the thought.
c'on he signed the dotted line it's in the media stp digging getting tired of hearing that shovel hit rock.
Paul Ryan also co-sponsored HR 3, the "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion" bill in which Republicans tried to redefine rape so that it only applied to "forcible" rape so those fake rape victims would stop exploiting loopholes to cash in on fabulous gifts and prizes. Republicans pulled that part out of the bill so everyone would stop criticizing them, and then they tried to sneak it back in anyway.
But Ryan draws a complete blank, can't think of a single person who would agree with Akin that sometimes rape isn't rape. So the interviewer helps him out:
Delano: "You sponsored legislation that has the language ‘forcible rape.’ What is forcible rape as opposed…”
Ryan: “Rape is rape. Rape is rape, period. End of story.”
Delano: “So that forcible rape language meant nothing to you at the time?”
Ryan: “Rape is rape and there’s no splitting hairs over rape.”
has the right wing reached a number of tries they'll stop at?